“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead

The Patron Program
Members that have made donations of $1,000 or more to the Patron Program allow the San Dimas Historical Society to purchase specially needed items to enhance our ability to save and share our history that would otherwise be unavailable due to limited funding. To find out how you too can become a patron, call the office at (909) 592-1190. As a 501(c)(3) corporation, your donation is tax deductible.
Our Patrons (listed in order of participation)
- San Dimas Community Hospital
- Ralph and Peggy Thomas
- Paul and Willa McClure
- Tom and Sue Nuss
- Ryan Teague
- Jean Johnstone Rimpau
- Curt and Glenda Morris
- Jeff and Terry Templeman
- Sharon Long
- Bill and Joyce Emerson
- Winifred Rouse Willis
- Bob and Connie Brown
- Joe Vaniman
- Matt and Julie Draayom
- Mark Nelson
- Linda Nelson
- Don and Margie Green
- Georgia Florentine
- Dick and Mary Lou Harbin
- John and Susan Davis
- John and Ann Vackrinos
- Dorothy Callanan
- Howard C. Callanan
- Allen and Lona Chen
- Dave and Chris Harben
Life Membership
Life membership is $500 per person. As a Life Member you pay once and avoid yearly dues reminders. Funds from life membership go into our general fund for ongoing expenses.
Our Life Members
- Sally Aiken
- Doran & Cynthia Barnes
- John & Catherine Begin
- David and Kimberly Bratt
- Connie Brown
- Kristin Carlson-Evanilla
- Richard Carnow
- Sean Cazares
- Sylvia Chapman
- Cheryl Clarke
- Bruce and Connie Colburn
- Michael and Terri Confer
- Al & Cindy Corona
- Mitchell and Suzy Crawford
- Karol Curtis
- Steve Davey
- John and Susan Davis
- Matt & Julie Draayom
- Edna Duke
- Phil and Isabel Ebiner
- Jim Elliot
- Joyce Emerson
- Georgia Florentine
- T. Joseph Fransen
- Roy and Niki Glauthier
- T.J. and Brigid Glauthier
- Don and Margie Green
- Shelley Grey
- David & Chris Harbin
- Susan Higley
- ChrisAnn & Richard Horsley
- Stan and Kay Hoveland
- Susan Hutchinson
- Yolanda King
- Alline Kranzer
- Lorraine Lenain
- Sharon Long
- Bart Marshall
- Dawna Marshall
- Erik Marshall
- Rick Marshall
- Patrick Meyers
- Dian Moravek
- Curt and Glenda Morris
- Eric Nakano
- Mark Nelson
- Linda Nelson
- Tom and Susan Nuss
- Larry Rhinehart
- Paul Rippens
- Winnie Robertson
- Maureen Smith
- Sandi Snyder
- Judith Stover
- Ryan Teague
- Jeff and Terry Templeman
- Charles Varnes, Jr.
- Diana Veloz
- Wilma Williams
- Gary and Jacquelyn Wolf